Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Song: Yakuza Baby by The Easton Ellises

Cover art from Musique
The latest netBloc release is out, and it contains a fun, upbeat, song that's categorized as electropop as its first track. I've never heard The Easton Ellises before, but they make me think of a sort of mid-80s quasi-punk, quasi-pop garage band, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! The lyrics begin with a sort of Killer Queen litany of the titular character's attributes, but it becomes more of a love song as it progresses. Of course, comparing sex appeal to crime isn't a new concept, but the Ellises make it feel fresh and exciting.

This single can be found on the latest netBloc: Vol. 34: The Whitewash, as part of the Jamendo release, EP: One, or on their home page as a soundcloud link. You can also watch the video for this song on YouTube. As you can see, they cover the various free media sources quite well, and I think we'll be hearing more from this band in the future.

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