Tuesday, October 9, 2012

News: PeerGynt Lobogris planning a rock opera

PeerGynt Lobogris, a long-time contributor of free music to Jamendo.com, has just announced the upcoming release of a rock opera titled, "The Inmutant," sometime before the end of the year. The above "trailer" is more of a behind the scenes glimpse, but it certainly spikes my interest.

If you're unfamiliar with his work, check out Lobogris's work with Epic Soul Factory on the Night Hunter track from their Xpansion Edition album. Honestly, I think it's the best work he's ever done. He's partnered with BlondBlood (see his "White Flag" single on YouTube) and Jaime Heras (listen to his entire "Siderea"album on YouTube) to form "Singing Sands" for the musical effort and the vocals will be performed by what's looking like a full cast including Ricardo Texidó, Conde, Juanjo Meroño and Lara Castro along with some folks that have yet to be named.

It's hard to "review" a trailer, but a few things I'll point out: Lobogris's heavy guitar won't let you forget that this is a rock opera, but if you were expecting anything else, you probably hadn't heard his music before. BlondBlood strikes me as a multi-talented artist, but as the above linked video makes clear, he's learning quite a lot on his feet, right now. If he's composing the entire opera as well as doing art, arrangements and several instruments, I wonder if he won't be in over his head... perhaps only time will tell. I like his sense of mood and, coupled with Lobogris's emphatic, lush ambience I could see this project being quite interesting, musically.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Web Site: FMA on Kickstarter

Sorry that I've been away. Just wanted to drop a quick note that a) I'm alive and well and b) Free Music Archive (FMA) has been curating a page on Kickstarter! If you're not familiar with Kickstarter, it's a Web site that allows you to give money to businesses or individuals to get their projects or products off the ground. It's been a hotbed of creative indie music, so FMA and Kickstarter are a great match. Check it out!